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Grafana JSON Alert Rules

Refer to Grafana official docs for APIs.

We assume that you created an API Key for accessing Grafana.


  1. Create an alert rule from the Grafana UI.
  2. Go to the alert rule and use the copy link button. In the URL there is the alert rule UID.
  3. Use the UID found in the previous phase to download the alert JSON: curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer <my-super-token>" -X GET https://<grafana-url>/api/v1/provisioning/alert-rules/<alert-rule-uid> | tee my-super-alert-rule.json.

Note: Use jq to read the content easely.


You can choose between 2 options:

  1. curl for just uploading the alert rule. There are some parameters that could be different between 2 different deploys (e.g., UIDs). It relates only to alert rules and no contact point is created.
  2. Terraform manages both alert rules and contact points. Repeatable between different Terraform runs.


curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer <my-super-token>" -X POST https://<grafana-url>/api/v1/provisioning/alert-rules -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$(cat my-super-alert-rule.json)"


It is not possible to delete from the UI alert rules created from APIs.


curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer <my-super-token>" -X DELETE https://<grafana-url>/api/v1/provisioning/alert-rules/<alert-rule-uid>

Configure the contact point

First you need to setup the contact point to see alerts flowing to slack:

  1. Go to contact point page and select a new contact point for slack.
  2. Use a name like alerts-private-channel
  3. Insert the Webhook URL and token

Then you need to create an alert policy or use the root one.

  1. Go to Alerting > Notification policies > Root policy and select alerts-private-channel as default contact point.
  2. Go to Alerting > Notification policies > Create a new policy and set team=operation as the matching label together with the alerts-private-channel as default contact point.